40 research outputs found

    Engineering geology of British rocks and soils : Lias Group

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    The report begins with an introduction and a detailed modern assessment of the geology of the Lias Group in terms of both stratigraphy and lithology. The modern lithostratigraphy is placed in the context of the old, and sometimes more familiar, usage. The next two chapters deal with the mineralogy of a suite of samples collected for the project, and an assessment of the nature and influence of weathering based on a detailed analysis of the Lias dataset held in the BGS National Geotechnical Properties Database. The following chapters cover geohazards associated with the Lias Group, and a brief overview of the wide variety of industrial applications for which the Lias is well known. The geotechnical database forms the basis of the penultimate chapter, geotechnical properties. The contents of the database are analysed, interpreted, presented in graphical form, and discussed in terms of statistical variation and in the light of likely engineering behaviour. The engineering geology of the Lias Group is discussed in the final chapter, borrowing from the preceding chapters. A comprehensive cited reference list and a bibliography are provided. In addition to the large number of technical data provided to BGS, a small data set has been generated by BGS laboratories, particularly in areas where the main database was deficient, and also in connection with associated BGS studies of the swelling and shrinkage properties of the Lias Group. The individual items of data making up the database are not attributed. However, the contribution of a wide range of consultancies, contractors, authorities, and individuals is acknowledged. It is hoped that this report will provide a source of useful information to a wide range of engineers, planners, scientists, and other interested parties concerned with Lias Group materials. It should be noted that whilst quantitative technical data are included in this report, these should not be used as a substitute for proper site investigation

    Time-dependent correlation functions in a one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion process

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    We study a one-dimensional anisotropic exclusion process describing particles injected at the origin, moving to the right on a chain of LL sites and being removed at the (right) boundary. We construct the steady state and compute the density profile, exact expressions for all equal-time n-point density correlation functions and the time-dependent two-point function in the steady state as functions of the injection and absorption rates. We determine the phase diagram of the model and compare our results with predictions from dynamical scaling and discuss some conjectures for other exclusion models.Comment: LATEX-file, 32 pages, Weizmann preprint WIS/93/01/Jan-P

    Let’s talk about placental sex, baby: Understanding mechanisms that drive female-and male-specific fetal growth and developmental outcomes

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    It is well understood that sex differences exist between females and males even before they are born. These sex-dependent differences may contribute to altered growth and developmental outcomes for the fetus. Based on our initial observations in the human placenta, we hypothesised that the male prioritises growth pathways in order to maximise growth through to adulthood, thereby ensuring the greatest chance of reproductive success. However, this male-specific “evolutionary advantage” likely contributes to males being less adaptable to shifts in the in-utero environment, which then places them at a greater risk for intrauterine morbidities or mortality. Comparatively, females are more adaptable to changes in the in-utero environment at the cost of growth, which may reduce their risk of poor perinatal outcomes. The mechanisms that drive these sex-specific adaptations to a change in the in-utero environment remain unclear, but an increasing body of evidence within the field of developmental biology would suggest that alterations to placental function, as well as the feto-placental hormonal milieu, is an important contributing factor. Herein, we have addressed the current knowledge regarding sex-specific intrauterine growth differences and have examined how certain pregnancy complications may alter these female- and male-specific adaptations.Ashley S. Meakin, James S. M. Cuffe, Jack R. T. Darby, Janna L. Morrison and Vicki L. Clifto

    Kinetics and Jamming Coverage in a Random Sequential Adsorption of Polymer Chains

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    Using a highly efficient Monte Carlo algorithm, we are able to study the growth of coverage in a random sequential adsorption (RSA) of self-avoiding walk (SAW) chains for up to 10^{12} time steps on a square lattice. For the first time, the true jamming coverage (theta_J) is found to decay with the chain length (N) with a power-law theta_J propto N^{-0.1}. The growth of the coverage to its jamming limit can be described by a power-law, theta(t) approx theta_J -c/t^y with an effective exponent y which depends on the chain length, i.e., y = 0.50 for N=4 to y = 0.07 for N=30 with y -> 0 in the asymptotic limit N -> infinity.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages inclduing figure

    Scaling of Island Growth in Pb Overlayers on Cu(001)

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    The growth and ordering of a Pb layer deposited on Cu(001) at 150 K has been studied using atom beam scattering. At low coverage, ordered Pb islands with a large square unit cell and nearly hexagonal internal structure are formed. This is a high order commensurate phase with 30 atoms in the unit cell. From the measurement of the island diffraction peak profiles we find a power law for the mean island - size versus coverage with an exponent n=0.54±0.03n=0.54 \pm 0.03. A scaling behavior of growth is confirmed and a simple model describing island growth is presented. Due to the high degeneracy of the monolayer phase, different islands do not diffract coherently. Therefore, when islands merge they still diffract as separate islands and coalescence effects are thus negligible. From the result for nn we conclude that the island density is approximately a constant in the coverage range 0.1<Θ<0.50.1 < \Theta < 0.5 where the ordered islands are observed. We thus conclude that most islands nucleate at Θ<0.1\Theta < 0.1 and then grow in an approximately self similar fashion as Θ\Theta increases.Comment: 23 pages, 10 Figures (available upon request). SU-PHYS-93-443-375

    Cluster persistence in one-dimensional diffusion--limited cluster--cluster aggregation

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    The persistence probability, PC(t)P_C(t), of a cluster to remain unaggregated is studied in cluster-cluster aggregation, when the diffusion coefficient of a cluster depends on its size ss as D(s)sγD(s) \sim s^\gamma. In the mean-field the problem maps to the survival of three annihilating random walkers with time-dependent noise correlations. For γ0\gamma \ge 0 the motion of persistent clusters becomes asymptotically irrelevant and the mean-field theory provides a correct description. For γ<0\gamma < 0 the spatial fluctuations remain relevant and the persistence probability is overestimated by the random walk theory. The decay of persistence determines the small size tail of the cluster size distribution. For 0<γ<20 < \gamma < 2 the distribution is flat and, surprisingly, independent of γ\gamma.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX4, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Automated assessment of COVID-19 reporting and data system and chest CT severity scores in patients suspected of having COVID-19 using artificial intelligence

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    Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has spread across the globe with alarming speed, morbidity, and mortality. Immediate triage of patients with chest infections suspected to be caused by COVID-19 using chest CT may be of assistance when results from definitive viral testing are delayed.Purpose: To develop and validate an artificial intelligence (AI) system to score the likelihood and extent of pulmonary COVID-19 on chest CT scans using the COVID-19 Reporting and Data System (CO-RADS) and CT severity scoring systems.Materials and Methods: The CO-RADS AI system consists of three deep-learning algorithms that automatically segment the five pulmonary lobes, assign a CO-RADS score for the suspicion of COVID-19, and assign a CT severity score for the degree of parenchymal involvement per lobe. This study retrospectively included patients who underwent a nonenhanced chest CT examination because of clinical suspicion of COVID-19 at two medical centers. The system was trained, validated, and tested with data from one of the centers. Data from the second center served as an external test set. Diagnostic performance and agreement with scores assigned by eight independent observers were measured using receiver operating characteristic analysis, linearly weighted kappa values, and classification accuracy.Results: A total of 105 patients (mean age, 62 years +/- 16 [standard deviation]; 61 men) and 262 patients (mean age, 64 years +/- 16; 154 men) were evaluated in the internal and external test sets, respectively. The system discriminated between patients with COVID-19 and those without COVID-19, with areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.95 (95% CI: 0.91, 0.98) and 0.88 (95% CI: 0.84, 0.93), for the internal and external test sets, respectively. Agreement with the eight human observers was moderate to substantial, with mean linearly weighted k values of 0.60 +/- 0.01 for CO-RADS scores and 0.54 +/- 0.01 for CT severity scores.Conclusion: With high diagnostic performance, the CO-RADS AI system correctly identified patients with COVID-19 using chest CT scans and assigned standardized CO-RADS and CT severity scores that demonstrated good agreement with findings from eight independent observers and generalized well to external data. (C) RSNA, 2020Cardiovascular Aspects of Radiolog

    Prediction of Hyper-X Stage Separation Aerodynamics Using CFD

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    The NASA X-43 &quot;Hyper-X&quot; hypersonic research vehicle will be boosted to a Mach 7 flight test condition mounted on the nose of an Orbital Sciences Pegasus launch vehicle. The separation of the research vehicle from the Pegasus presents some unique aerodynamic problems, for which computational fluid dynamics has played a role in the analysis. This paper describes the use of several CFD methods for investigating the aerodynamics of the research and launch vehicles in close proximity. Specifically addressed are unsteady effects, aerodynamic database extrapolation, and differences between wind tunnel and flight environments. Introduction The Hyper-X research program was initiated in 1996 to demonstrate in-flight hypersonic scramjet propulsion. To get to the flight test conditions, the 12 ft long research vehicle (HXRV) is mounted on the nose of the first stage of an Orbital Sciences Corporation Pegasus booster. Given the non-axisymmetric shape of the HXRV, it is mounted onto an adapter tha..